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Trademark Attorney

Giselle Finnane

A partner in the constantly expanding universe of Marque’s Corporate team, Giselle is experienced in all things M&A, literally drafts shareholder agreements in her sleep (there’s really no other way to do it) and is basically personally responsible for delivering the internet to several South Pacific nations.

Giselle is in fact a woman of many skills – she’s a gun goal shooter, and has handy connections to a certain nightclub of ambiguous repute (any place that lets us in does have a question mark over it) – and she turned down the opportunity to feature in a magazine spread of fashionable lawyers to come and work at Marque. Not that she couldn’t have done both, but she accurately surmised that she’d be spending the best part of her first year copping grief.

If there’s one thing for which our Corporate team is famous, apart from its mad skills and its taste in music, it is for belying the conventional belief that corporate lawyers are boring. Giselle puts an exclamation mark on that sentence.


Direct line:

+612 8216 3037


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