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Trademark Attorney

Danielle Kroon

Danie is the governor of the long advice. A member of our competition and regulatory team, she digs deep when it comes to heavy duty regulatory regimes or the insane intricacies of competition law, producing perfectly formed answers that a normal person could only unearth with an excavator and a few drinks. Complex logic is Danie’s thing; in her spare time she writes theses on the law of the sea and whether the piracy laws of the Barbary Coast could apply in space.

While Danie’s dorkishly endearing passion for the law is as immediately obvious as is her crossword obsession, lesser known are some other epic skills: aerial silks, weirdly enough, and taking on cross-country endurance courses for which she is in no way appropriately equipped (or clothed). Making Danie blush is a spectator sport but not really a challenge; far more rewarding to tell her there’s a typo in her 8 page advice but refuse to say where.


Direct line:

+612 8216 3099


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