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Trademark Attorney

Damian Sturzaker

One of Australia's Top Lawyers, according to the AFR, in both litigation and alternative dispute resolution. Damian handles this accolade with his customary modesty but will admit if pressed that he has run some of the most complex pieces of cross-border litigation that ever touched these shores.

Whether it's a dodgy crane in Israel, a fleet of helicopters in the US, a telco dispute in Afghanistan or the enforcement of a Chinese judgment in Moldova, Damian is the lawyer for all time zones. More importantly, in defiance of all of our predictions, he still hasn't lost his iPhone.

Famed in the office for his Old Man Sayings and ever in a rush for the Manly ferry, Damian is the litigator God would have invented if He'd thought that at all a good idea.


Direct line:

+612 8216 3066


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